Deliver your workflow automations in a jiff.
Automating workflows, made easy for you. Trust your team to design and create automated workflows. No coding and no developer needed.
Save hours of effort, and give back time to your HR and IT Teams with no-code, easy to use employee support automation built for your team.
Prebuilt workflow automations help teams to hit the ground running in minutes. Use from our 400+ readily available prebuilt workflows for multiple HR and IT use cases from the marketplace.
Seamlessly integrate your existing apps to streamline and automate repetitive employee requests like unlock account, password resets, user provisioning, and workplace processes like user onboarding, offboarding, etc.
One-click integration with your existing applications is all it takes to create your desired workflows for auto-resolution of workplace support requests.
Make processes easier, faster, and conversational. Transform your workplace support with powerful workflow automation, driven by conversations. Increase your staff productivity.