Chatbot Automation

Workativ assistant comes with easy-to-use no-code workflow builder to help you build simple to complex app-based automations for chatbot in minutes. Integrate chatbot with apps, use pre-built workflows from marketplace, approve requests, connect chatbot with on-prem apps and much more.

Chatbot Automation Builder
Chatbot Automation Builder

Build app workflows for chatbot

Our no-code workflow builder helps you build simple single step or complex multistep app workflows for chatbot easily. Triger app automations from chatbot, execute parallel actions, or combine data using join capabilities – we got you covered. Adding app automation to chatbot made simple and easy for just about anybody to get going in minutes.

app workflows for chatbot
App integration

App integrations for chatbot

Workativ provides pre-built app integrations so you don’t have to custom develop. Connect chatbot with your apps securely in few clicks as workativ supports industry leading authentications such as OAuth, Basic Auth, and Custom Auth to support various app authentication needs.

Trigger alerts to users from app

Send alerts to users from bot to take action at workplace. Be it alerting on outage information, policy changes, updating their passwords, filling surveys, or simply surprise them on their birthdays etc. Never let your employees miss a beat.

Alerts can be setup using app triggers based on conditions. e.g., password expiry, employee onboarding, system outage etc.

Trigger alerts
App workflow

App workflows for chatbot

Connect your chatbot with over 100+ apps and 1000+ app workflows so you can automate requests and auto resolve issues instantly from chatbot. Easily download, connect, and activate in few clicks. No coding.

Approve your chatbot workflows in seconds

Automating workplace requests can sometimes requires manager or special approval. Workativ helps you automate and manage approvals for employee requests from chatbot easily out-of-the box with approval management capability. Setting up approvals, notification, reminders, expiry, and tracking made simple for you.

Approve your chatbot workflows in seconds
on prem app connector

On-prem app connector

On-prem Connect is a secure connector to help you connect chatbot with your on-prem applications behind your firewall seamlessly and securely, so you can create and execute app workflows from chatbot be it on-prem or cloud apps easily. Installing on-prem connector and connecting apps is easy and no coding required at all.

Workflow process orchestration

Workativ uses powerful workflow process orchestration engine to orchestrate multiple tasks from chatbot through multiple apps. Using chatbot, you can seamlessly automate tasks, process, and workflows spanning several apps.

Workflow process orchestration
error handling

Error handling

Workativ’s advanced error handling will help you handle errors that may occur when chatbot executes workflows. And you may set conditions, and or notifications that will help take next best workflow action to either overcome and move forward or report to the admin.

Workflow testing

Testing is critical to workflows to ensure they work at each step. Using workativ’s testing capability you can test workflows with live data at every step of the workflow to ensure your workflows are in order.

workflow testing
Analyze app workflows

Analyze app workflows

Analytics help you identify the number of app workflows triggered by chatbot. Track most or least used workflow for a given period, helping you fine-tune workflows as well.

App workflow logs

Use logs to see the entire app workflow execution path from chatbot and drill down on specifics for more in-depth analysis. Know what went wrong if the workflow failed to execute, review input data for workflow and use log data to fix the issue.

App workflow logs

Explore More Features

Our 3-in-1 support automation platform combines the power of Gen AI chatbot for automating chats, App workflow automation for auto-resolution of issues, and Shared Live Inbox for seamless live chat interactions. And more…!

  • Chatbot Builder​​
    Chatbot Builder​​

    Use no-code visual canvas to create engaging conversations for your chatbot easily in minutes.

  • Conversational AI Platform
    Conversational AI Platform

    Learn more on workativ assistants’ conversational ai platform capabilities.

  • FAQ Bot Builder
    FAQ Bot Builder

    Simple and easy to understand UI to help you automate your repetitive FAQs easily in minutes.

  • Knowledge AI
    Knowledge AI​

    Knowledge AI leverages the power of LLMs and Generative AI to provide contextually relevant responses to user queries.

  • Chatbot  Marketplace
    Chatbot Marketplace

    Download pre-built chatbots, 100+ app integrations, and 1000+ app workflows in seconds and go live instantly.

  • Omnichannel

    Deploy chatbot on your favorite collaboration apps like Teams, Slack, or as Chat Widget easily in few clicks.

  • Live Agent Handover
    Live Agent Handover

    Seamless ‘agent handover’ of chatbot to live agents with complete user context and conversation history.

  • Chatbot Approval
    Chatbot Approval​

    Approving chatbot tasks made easy with our approval management. Set approval reminders, expiry, tracking, and more.

  • Chatbot Analytics & Performance
    Chatbot Analytics & Performance

    Gather insight to craft better end user experiences and deliver better chatbot support to your employees.

Navigated to Chatbot Automation