Create Dropbox for Business Workflows in Minutes


Add deal in HubSpot CRM on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Add deal in HubSpot CRM on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Add file in box on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Add file in box on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Add file in box on a New Folder in Dropbox Business


Add file in box on a New Folder in Dropbox Business




Add text file in OneDrive on a New file in Dropbox for Business




Add text file in OneDrive on a New file in Dropbox for Business




Add text file in OneDrive on a New Folder in Dropbox Business




Add text file in OneDrive on a New Folder in Dropbox Business


Categorize email in Office 365 on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Categorize email in Office 365 on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Create issue in Jira on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Create issue in Jira on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Flag an email in Office 365 on a New file in Dropbox for Business


Flag an email in Office 365 on a New file in Dropbox for Business

Things You Can Do With Dropbox for Business


New File in Folder Added
New File in Folder Added
New file in DropBox for Business
{"image":"","header":"New File in Folder Added ","content":"New file in DropBox for Business","status":"coming-soon"}
New File in Folder Added
New File in Folder Added
New file in DropBox for Business


Invite Member
Invite Member
Invite member in Dropbox for Business
{"image":"","header":"Invite Member","content":"Invite member in Dropbox for Business","status":"completed"}
Invite Member
Invite Member
Invite member in Dropbox for Business

Robert Zeitz

Director of Cloud Applications & Service Delivery

workflow automation platformAfter using a few different automation workflow programs, we decided to go with Workativ, for its’ easy-to-use interface and systems integration. Using Workativ feels like it was truly designed with the user in mind. More importantly the Workativ team has shown tremendous customer support allowing us to continue to expand their software’s capabilities to meet our needs.

The Workativ team always considers the users feed backs and needs to create brand new features allowing us to design out the exact workflow we need. With their support we have been able to automate our onboarding, offboarding, and up keeping our employee data across all systems.

We look forward to further exploring the world of automation with their help!

Why Workativ Automate?

Most workflow products are complex, expensive, and bloated with things that you don’t need. Workativ Automate is purpose built iPaaS to help you connect and automate your workplace tasks. It’s easy to use yet powerful, and affordable to all.

join leading innovators

Simple and Intuitive

Create app integrations and workflows using simple UI interface. No coding or developer support required.

Powerful Tools

Format data, add conditional logic, set approvals, or time intervals into your workflows.

100+ Connectors

Connect 100+ cloud apps. Use app triggers, webhooks to run your workflows.

Secure & Reliable

Data encryption at rest and transit, data retention controls and audit logs. ISO 27001 certified.